Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Trip to Smith Island, Maryland. Similar to Tangier, Island--but less well known. Waterman speak English/Cornish and you cannot understand them.

A throwback in time
B and B we stayed in

Semi-tame resident turkey.  Came up begging for a handout.  Some goats on the next island.

Sandy with the Minister (of all three methodist churches) serving 300 people in 3 communities.
He is also an EMT and part time museum docent.  Also the leader of the populace since it is not incorporated or officially designated any other way.

The three types of boats waterman use--They fish for crabs in the spring and summer and haul oysters off the bottom in the fall and winter.

Sunday, May 1, 2016

Spring in Va-continued:

Rhododendron love this spot


Nuthatch hatching in front door wreath nest

Leslie's Knockout roses

Monday, March 28, 2016